Win points e lots of achievements
Every game offers a number of achievements that points are valid for the Race Achievements on GameVelvet. To unlock the achievements of the game Trucomano check the missions below and commit yourself to the max. From conquest to conquest, you stay ahead in the Race!
And Now, Do I Call Truco?
Play with 3 trump cards [manilhas] in one round.
In the dark...
Win 30 rounds 'in the dark'.
Win 100 rounds 'in the dark'.
I did not look, I swear!
Kill one of the opponent's trump cards in one 'in the dark' round.
Well Well Well, How the Turntables
Win the game on hand 11 of the opposing team.
Higher Couple
Play with Clubs and Hearts trump cards [manilhas]in one round.
Lower Couple
Play with Diamonds and Spades trump cards in one round.
Red Couple
Play with the Diamonds and Hearts trump cards in one round.
Black Couple
Play with Diamonds and Spades trump cards in one round.
Three Clubs!
Call truco 30 times.
Six, Duck!
Ask 60 times for the 6 .
Nine, Teal!
Ask 90 times for the 9.
Match for Real, Now!
Ask 120 times for the 12.
Fall, Teal!
Have 100 truco or retruco calls accepted.
Face me, Duck!
Have 1000 calls for truco or retruco accepted.
The Coward's place is on the Pile!
Make the opponent run after calling truco and retruco, 100 times.
Dive into the Water!
Make the opponent run after calling truco or retruco 1000 times.
Raise 1000 times.
I had the Cat!
Win calling truco or raising a lost game.
Well, It Worked?
Call "Truco" when your opponent has a higher-ranked card on the table, and they run away.
Not Today!
Win a round by killing both of your opponent's highest-ranked cards with two of your highest-ranked cards.
Top 100 on Ranked
Be in the top 100 on the weekly ranking.
Ranked Top 10
Be in the top 10 on the weekly ranking.
Top 10 of the Tournament
Be among the top 10 in one tournament.
Top 3 of the Tournament
Be among the top 3 in a tournament.
This is Garbage!
Win one hand beating the Hearts trump card [manilha].
Just Right!
Discard a card of exactly 1 point higher than that of opponent who is winning the hand, 150 times.
Crystal hand...
Discard the Diamonds trumps cards on the first hand.
... Crystal on the Table!
Discard a Diamonds trump card [manilha]on the first hand 100 times.
Should've called Truco...
Discard 10 trump cards [manilhas].
Trump card [manilha] is Victory!
Play with 50 trump cards [manilhas].
I never get trump cards [manilhas]!
Discard 100 trump cards [manilhas].
Learning to Count
Discard an ace, a 2 and a 3 in this order in the same round and win.
Trump card only!
Win a round drawing three cards 3 points worth.
Good to go...
Win a round after getting two cards worth 2 points.
If it depends only on him...
Win one round after drawing na Ace.
Good at Bluffing
Call truco with only one 4 (except for trump card [manilha]) on the hand and win.
Bluffing Master
Call Truco with only two cards lower than six (except for trump cards) in your hand and win.
The Bluffing King
Call truco with three cards lower than 10 on the hand (except for trump cards [manilhas]) and win.
Lucky 7
Win one round with three 7 point cards.
Win one round with at least one card worth 11 and one card worth 12.
One Seven One
Win 171 matches.
Luck is everywhere
Win three matches in a row.
Lucky 5
Win five matches in a row.
On a Roll
Win ten consecutive matches.
The First of Many
Win a match in Ranked Pro mode.
Pass Under the Table!
Win a match without the opponent scoring any points.
The Last Shall Be First
Play the lowest card in the first round 10 times.
Next Round We'll Decide
Tie the first round 10 times.
None of Your Business
Play 10 hidden cards.